Certified IFS Practitioner (Level 3)
Internal Family Systems Therapy
Educator & Writer

Internal Family Systems:
More than just therapy: a new way of being.
I Help People to Heal Their Trauma & Live a Life of Freedom.
Song of Myself
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
I am large, I contain multitudes.
~Walt Whitman
The Mind is Multiple
The mind is made up of sub-personalities or “parts”.
Each part has unique qualities.
Some parts are functional and valuable.
Others may behave in negative ways.
However, they have positive intentions, even if that is hard to believe.
Underlying the parts is a person’s true essence or Self.
The Self knows how to heal in order to become whole and integrated.
Sing the song of Your Self.

About Lizbeth
Certified Internal Family Systems Therapy Practitioner,
Educator, Conflict Mediator,
Laughter Yoga Leader, Writer.
Internal Family Systems Therapy (Level 3)
• IFS Institute.
Shame, Anxiety and Depression: An IFS Approach.
Treating Complex Trauma & PTSD with IFS.
IFS with Children & Adolescents.
Program Assistant on Level 1 & 2 trainings.
Conflict Mediation Certification • SEEDS California.
Restorative Circles & Non-Violent Communication • CNVC.
Certified Laughter Yoga Leader • Laughter Yoga International.
Master’s degree in Biology • University of Oxford.
Graduate diploma in Math education • King’s College, London.
Graduate degree in Science education • University of South Australia.
Certified Behavior Instructor for Autism • Behavior Frontiers.
For more information on Internal Family Systems therapy,
go to the IFS Institute,
and see my listing in the IFS directory.

Teaching clients to apply the IFS model to every aspect of life.

Internal Family Systems therapy to deal with stress, anxiety, depression and trauma, in order to achieve self-realization, fulfillment and creativity.

Healing Legacy & Cultural Burdens
Heal cultural trauma from society, and trauma inherited from our ancestors in order to foster healing within families and communities.

Strengthening Relationships
Changing communication patterns and learning how to listen deeply in order to form healthy attachments and avoid repeating past mistakes.

Whether you are learning the model, or want support with your own healing journey, I am experienced with therapists’ high standards and unique needs.

Rewriting the
Parenting Program
Helping parents do things differently, bringing creativity and joy to parenting, in order to create healthy families, the foundation of a healthy society.

Conflict Transformation vs. Avoidance
Conflict can be an opportunity for change and a transformative experience. All your parts are welcome, and we will listen to their deeper message.
Testimonials from Clients